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Ilya Titov / Privacy and Data Policy /
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Privacy Policy

Privacy and data processing policy

What you need to know

My work and backup drives are password protected and encrypted to reduce the risks associated with handling of sensitive data.


The data is collected and/or processed for the purposes of providing a paid service to you under the lawful basis of Contract (agreement between you, the Client, and Ilya Titov).

  1. If you send the data or provide access to the data — I will process it as necessary, to provide the service expected as part of the Contract.
  2. If the data includes personal details, for example as part of a website database, I will only process it to the extent necessary to provide the service requested.
  3. In case of website work this may include backing up of your data before making changes to it.
  4. Your data may be transported and stored with third parties like internet service providers, email providers, code repositories, hosting providers and/or locally on my computer.
  5. In case of email marketing or direct mail services, and where it is necessary to process your customers’ data, the data will only be used to fulfil the Contract and may be stored and processed accordingly. In some cases where it is appropriate the data will be passed to third parties for mailing, storage or further processing.
  6. Archived data and backups will be deleted when I believe these are no longer required. It may be necessary to store backups for longer to preserve a working version of a website/codebase, ie a website. Archived sensitive data will eventually be deleted but in case it is accessed — it will not be processed for purposes other than accessing the non-sensitive parts of the archived data.


In most cases you would have contacted me first and this is how I got your data. I may have your personal data including your name, phone and email address. If I contact you, this will be under legitimate interest of keeping in touch and you can always ask me to delete your details.